College Planning
Graduation is the culmination of each student’s high school journey. The challenging educational experience offered by the Saddlebrook Prep faculty provides the tools that are needed for collegiate studies. The college counseling process, which begins in the student’s freshman year, prepares student-athletes for the challenges of college recruitment, applications and admissions, and selection of the “perfect fit” college or university.
College Guidance and Counseling
Saddlebrook Preparatory School’s guidance counselor is involved in college preparation, career planning and scholarship application activities for students pursuing academic and athletic goals. Parents, teachers, the school counselor and coaches engage collaboratively in assisting students as they navigate the requirements of individual universities.

Campus Visits & Testing
The school counselor assists in coordinating campus visits to colleges and universities and contacts athletic coaches recruiting for their programs. Students interested in pursuing scholarships and financial aid attend workshops geared toward the application process. In addition, students are advised of the college entrance exam requirements and the procedures for registering for tests such as the PSAT, SAT, ACT, PLAN and/or TOEFL. The school counselor assists student-athletes with registering for the NCAA Eligibility Center, assesses eligibility compliance, and counsels them to ensure that necessary procedures are followed.

College Preparation and Student Ability
Students entering Saddlebrook Prep are enrolled in traditional college preparatory courses contingent upon the classes previously completed at other high schools. Exceptions to this occur with international students who may need to participate in ESOL classes. Testing indicators such as standardized achievement tests, as well as previously earned grades, are considered in course level placement.

Course Tracking
One of the key roles of the Saddlebrook guidance counselor is to track each student’s progress through required course loads. In the event a student is “off-track,” due to discrepancies in course credit from a previous school, a student’s need for ESOL classes, or out-of-sequence courses, the guidance counselor works with the administration, parents and students to ensure that the student graduates on time with their class.

Standardized Testing
Students in the 9th, 10th and 11th grade participate in standardized achievement testing and complete the PSAT in October. An opportunity to take the PLAN ACT test is offered to 10th grade students in January. These two tests provide diagnostic indicators to the student, parent and school staff concerning areas of weakness before registration for the SAT and ACT tests. In addition, high scores on the PSAT tests may provide the basis for financial assistance through scholarships. Students are encouraged to take the SAT preparation course during the fall semester of their junior year.